Environmental Infection Control Specialist (EICS)

Enviropure环保组织研究并开发了一项加拿大感染控制和管理认证计划. 这被称为EICS,环境感染控制专家指定.

Restoration Sciences Academy Logo
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal
Tree best rated logo
Indoor Air Quality Association Logo
environmental infection control specialist certified logo
A woman wearing a mask applies hand sanitizer

Environmental Infection Control Specialist (EICS)

本协议和培训是由超过15年的有关生物危害清洁的胜任经验和认证制定的, Specialized Infection Clean up Training, IICRC Designations, ABRA(美国生物恢复协会)认证等等. 该协议涉及在长期护理设施中控制和消除冠状病毒等高传染性细菌和病毒等情况, Government buildings, large scale retail & commercial settings, and industrial & warehouse facilities. 该认证还涵盖患有COVID-19等传染性疾病的人居住的住宅的生物危害清洁.

What This Certification Course Teaches


  • Proper PPE Selection
  • PPE Donning and Doffing
  • Fit Testing of masks and respirators
  • Pre Cleaning and Disinfection site evaluation
  • 消毒前清洁方案(可验证的细菌负荷减少到5%以下)
  • Proper tools and equipment for medical grade disinfection
  • Proper processes for Disinfection
  • Types of disinfectants safe for long term exposure
  • Competent knowledge of what a virus is, and how it spreads
  • Dealing with OPIM (Other Potentially Infectious Materials)
  • Eliminating risks of exposure
  • Post testing and verifying disinfections results

通过我们的课程获得的知识将给你的知识和技能,正确和彻底消毒任何类型的设施,经历过任何形式的病毒或细菌爆发, including COVID-19.

an Enviropure home cleaner disinfects an office for COVID-19
Enviropure home cleaning specialists at work with full PPE

 Enviropure Provides Flexible Infection Control Training

我们的培训课程提供灵活的现场培训和实际应用,以了解病毒感染传播和控制的各个领域. This practical, 实际学习经验超过所有加拿大政府卫生和感染预防控制机构的标准要求.

保护在您的设施中工作人员的健康和安全, 并限制停机时间,以防因高度传染性疾病而停机, rapidly spreading outbreak such as COVID-19. 有一名认证的环境感染控制专家随时待命,将确保您的企业随时准备好应对任何爆发.

有关此协议的更多信息以及如何培训和认证您的团队,请发送电子邮件至我们 EICS@meritavukatlik.com or call 613-513-7873

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. 如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系Enviropure.

通过获得环境感染控制专家(EICS)的认证, 你是在让你的员工和客户知道你的公司或组织非常重视感染控制, and that you are committed to their health, safety and well-being. With the COVID-19 global pandemic, 对感染和细菌传播的认识空前高涨. 你的员工和客户希望你有最高的健康和安全标准. 与我们一起培训并获得感染控制认证是实现这一目标的最佳途径!

Most definitely! COVID-19 and the coronavirus infections, 目前,风险和预防是每个人最关心的问题. 而我们的环境感染控制专家培训计划涵盖了各种感染类型, 在可预见的未来,COVID-19肯定会是一个主要焦点. We cover PPE, disinfection, cleaning & 卫生处理等等,所有这些都是为了阻止COVID-19和其他传染病的传播.

Yes. 由于渥太华公共卫生和其他当局目前的建议是戴口罩(包括在渥太华和安大略省的室内公共场所强制戴口罩), 我们的环境感染控制专家培训计划将很大一部分时间用于口罩和其他类型的个人防护装备(PPE)。. We’ll cover how to select the right mask, how to wear a mask properly, who could be exempt from mask requirements, where masks are mandated and other COVID-19 PPE topics.

我们将在EICS感染控制培训计划中讨论这个话题, 以及许多其他与清洁和消毒最佳做法有关的主题,以对抗COVID-19感染.

Enviropure is a leader in the Ottawa cleaning industry. 多年来,我们一直提供家庭清洁,办公室和商业清洁服务. 我们还为渥太华和周边社区提供全面的专业清洁服务, including asbestos removal, mold remediation, air quality testing, infection cleanup, hazmat cleanup, hoarding cleanup and much more. Being on the front lines of the cleaning business, 多年来,我们积累了丰富的见解和宝贵的经验. We’ve also made continuous learning a priority; we are constantly researching cleaning & sanitization trend and more effective methods. 正是从这个角度出发,作为清洁行业的从业者,我们才能够进行教学, train, 向客户提供有价值的见解和信息.